All Projects

# 1 Cleaning Audit Tool 🏥

This is an enterprise app built for a public hospital.

It is an app for auditing buildings, rooms and hospital facilities.

Feb 2022 - December 2022

Go Live and tested.

CADT Home page

# 2 Movie Box 🍿

This is a Ruby app.

It is a fun Ruby app built for reviewing movies during my study at Coder Academy.

Full CRUD functionality - add movie, delete movie and update movie.

June 2021

CADT Home page

MERN Projects

The following two projects are M.E.R.N stack projects.

Mern stack

This means that the tech stack is MongoDB, Express, React and Node JS.

Both the projects follow very similar structure - both in the frontend and the backend.

Files and code are managed with the MVC convention (Model,View,Controller)

Both use MongoDB with Mongoose.

Both the apps are deployed with Netlify for the front end.

Mern stack

Both the apps are deployed with Heroku (Dyno) for the backend end API.

Mern stack
PhotoDairy App 📸

An online diary - upload a photo, add a title and write a short comment for the photo.

Viola! It's that easy.

November 2022

Homepage of Photo Diary App
DIY Grooming 🐕

An online diary - upload a photo, add a title and write a short comment for the photo.

This was also the capstone project for Coder Academy Melbourne 2021

January 2022

Homepage of DIY Grooming App